as you may or may not know, i'm a plushie collector! i have..... a lot of them. (not sure exactly how many, but it's definitely at least 100, since i reached the den item list in my plushie den and the nm den item limit is 100)
so, in no specific order, here's an incomplete list of some of my favorite plushies! (only taken from the ones i have)
here's big ol' eyes bunny, as i like to call them. they look like 🥺 and i love that
dj otter! this one looks very cool
he's in a shoe..... he's in a shoe!!!!!
she is so punk
gay rights
spikey :]
[insert aj vampire emoji here]
that is one cool dude
i like to go skiing, and even though snowboarding is different (*cough cough* and inferior to) skiing, this plushie reminds me of fun times on the ski slopes. also this plushie is cute in general
last but not least, dragon giraffe! i just think this one looks epic (and i'm totally not biased because i like dragons). this is a plushie you've definitely seen around my blog- its my blogger account's icon, and its also the little favicon that shows up on the blog tab.